Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Goodness of Jarvis

I'd like them to play my birthday party.

"Well it happened years ago..."

"If you thought things had changed, friend, you better think again."

Friday, April 11, 2008


So, I watch a lot of Angel and Buffy. I DVR them to catch some of the episodes I never saw during their original broadcasts. So, after seeing how many times a vampire is killed because a wooden chair just happens to be broken during a scuffle, I have to wonder why a vampire would ever keep wooden furniture in his or her home. If/when I become a vampire, I'm strictly going to decorate my lair with metal, glass and plastic.

So I caught this Vampire Weekend band's video the other day on MTV2's Subterranean show. I had heard good things about this group and perhaps, because of the name, I had expectations of rockingness, but holy crap do they suck. Jinky, tinky pop that goes nowhere and says nothing. Not that pop music has to say anything, I guess. And on a side note, is there some requirement that everyone now strap their guitars as high as possible on their bodies?