Then the movie Zoolander came out and a few of the models raved about Orange Mocha Frappucinos!!! The closest thing I could find to that was the Mocha Valencia at Starbucks. It was pretty damn good, but I didn't care too much for the orange zest shavings, so I declined those and the whipped cream. Last year I was dismayed to learn that Starbucks discontinued the Valencia flavoring, but was relieved later to find that they brought back a different orange flavoring for the past summer season.
So now on to this Easter season. Since I'm prone to overindulging in sweets, I didn't venture into the Easter candy aisle this season except once, early on, to pick up a Cadbury Creme Egg and some M&Ms. It wasn't until Easter Sunday itself that I went into the Walgreens while on a break at work and saw the Orange Creme Egg. What a wondrous sight! Orange, Chocolate and fake egg yolk! I bought a couple at the slightly discounted price of $0.50 and enjoyed them later at work. The following day I was at the grocery store and ventured down the Easter candy aisle, hoping to find a good deal or so and lo and behold! Boxes of Orange Creme Eggs for $0.16 each! I grabbed eight. Apparently, the common folk feared the new egg because there were several boxes of the Orange eggs and zero boxes of the original Creme Egg. Their loss is my gain. Now, I just have to get back and claim some more, before they go back in hiding for next season.